Main Screen Components

The iNELS Design Manager (iDM) is the core software for configuring and managing the iNELS Bus system. Upon starting the application for the first time, the main screen appears in the default layout, providing you with access to essential tools and features.

Main Screen Components:

  1. Main Menu:

    • This menu contains essential project management options, tools, and configuration settings.

  2. Desktop with Floor Plan Visualization:

    • The central area of the screen shows a visual representation of the floor plan, where devices and system elements can be arranged and configured.

  3. Information Console:

    • Located at the bottom of the screen, this console provides real-time feedback on system events and operations, including timestamps and status messages.

At the top of the screen, the main menu is accessible through the Blue Control Icon. Clicking on this icon opens a context menu, with options on the left and recently opened projects on the right.

Key Options in the Blue Control Menu:

  • New Project: Create a brand-new project.

  • New Project from Default Template: Start a new project using predefined templates.

  • New Project from User Default Template: Use a custom template created by the user.

  • Open: Load an existing project from your files.

  • Save: Save the current project to your computer.

  • Save As: Save the current project with a new file name or location.

  • Export INELS 3: Generate an export file for external connections or third-party devices.

  • Load from Central Unit: Download an existing project stored on the Central Unit (CU).

  • Save to Central Unit: Upload the current project to the connected Central Unit.

  • Download Unit Firmware: Check and update the firmware for all connected units.

  • Central Unit Configuration: Access basic settings of the Central Unit.

  • Settings: Modify basic application settings.

  • About: View information about the application version and build.

Project Tab Overview:

The Project tab is divided into two main parts: Information and Floor.

Information Section:

  • Displays the project name and version.

  • Key icons:

    • Project Manager: Modify the project’s basic settings.

    • Device Manager: Add or remove devices from the system configuration.

    • Save as User Default Template: Save the current project as a template for future use.

Floor Section:

  • Key icons:

    • Add Floor: Add new floors to the project.

    • Edit Floor: Open a dialog to edit the settings of an existing floor.

    • Delete Floor: Remove the currently selected floor plan.

Controls Tab:

The Controls tab contains a library of device icons split into various categories:

  • Central Units

  • Base

  • Heating and Regulators

  • Sensors and Detectors

  • Special

  • Groups

You can drag icons from the Controls tab onto the design plane and link them to devices configured in the Device Manager or System Manager. These icons can later be used to create logical functions between devices.

Functions Tab:

The Functions tab allows you to manage connections between devices. It contains several key features:

  • Add Connection: Turn device icons green, indicating they are ready to be connected.

  • Wire Manager: List and manage all created connections.

  • Function Manager: Create, modify, or delete function definitions.

  • Macro Manager: Create or manage macros, which are pre-defined sequences of actions.

  • Function Block Manager: Create or manage function block templates that integrate multiple units.

Managers Tab:

The Managers tab includes several management tools:

  • Group Manager: Create or modify groups of similar devices.

  • System Manager: Define and configure system devices.

  • DALI Manager: Manage DALI lighting systems, including ballasts and sensors.

  • Monitor: Display the current status of all devices in the system.

Project Information Tab:

This tab provides a quick overview of the current project’s status, including quota usage and the maximum limits of devices used within the project.

Desktop with Floor Plan Visualization:

This section of the screen allows you to switch between different floor plans. The following modes are available:

  • Design Mode: Add and assign objects to real elements on the floor plan.

  • Groups Mode: Manage object groups and organize devices into logical collections.

  • Function Mode: Create and manage connections and functions between devices.

  • Simulation Mode: Simulate actions and functions bound to objects to test system behavior before implementation.

Information Console:

The Information Console logs all system events with timestamps while the application is running. Additional features include:

  • CU Button (START/STOP): Connection status of the Central Unit.

  • System Time and Status Information: Display current system time, error codes, or disconnection status.

  • Error Dialog: If an error occurs, a dialog appears detailing the error. Errors can be cleared by clicking “Delete Error.”

By following this manual, users will gain an understanding of the iDM interface and how to navigate the essential features for project creation, device management, and system configuration. Each section provides foundational knowledge needed for further work with iNELS Bus system projects.

Last updated