Understanding Bits and Integers in iNELS Design Manager for Building Automation

In iNELS building automation, System Bits and System Integers play key roles in managing digital and numeric actions. This guide simplifies their purpose and how you can use them in programming.

System Bits: What Are They?

  • Bits store digital actions, like turning something on or off.

  • These actions are similar to those for digital outputs.

  • You can explore and manage them in the Function Manager -> Function type -> System

System Integers: What Are They?

  • Integers store numeric values (like temperature or brightness levels).

  • They trigger specific actions and can be manipulated in various ways.

Actions for System Integers

Here’s a breakdown of common actions related to System Integers:

  1. System int change

    • Triggered when the integer's value changes.

  2. System int change up

    • Triggered when the value is increased.

  3. System int change down

    • Triggered when the value is decreased.

  4. Permanent Actions

    • Triggered continuously by the central unit (without any user input).

Functions for System Integers

These are the main functions you can use with System Integers:

  • System int – Increment

    • Increases the integer by a set value.

    • You can customize the Inc/Dec Step to control how much the value increases, with a range up to a 32-bit integer.

  • System int – Decrement

    • Decreases the integer by a set value, using the same Inc/Dec Step field.

  • System int – Copy

    • Copies a value from various devices (e.g., temperature sensors, analog/digital inputs/outputs) into a system integer.

  • System int – Set value

    • Sets the integer to a specific value. The parameter Value (%) can be adjusted in the range of a 32-bit integer.

  • System int – Reset

    • Resets the integer’s value to zero.

Quick Tips:

  • Use bits when dealing with digital on/off actions (lights, switches).

  • Use integers for numeric values that need adjustment or tracking (like temperature or dimming lights).

  • Always check the Inc/Dec Step when programming to ensure the integer changes by the amount you want.

This manual covers the basics of working with System Bits and System Integers in iNELS. With these tools, you can manage a wide variety of functions and automate smart building actions smoothly!

Creating Scenes with System Bits to Control Different Actions in iNELS

Scenes in iNELS allow you to control multiple devices and their actions simultaneously. Using System Bits, you can easily create these scenes to automate a group of actions like turning on lights, closing blinds, and setting the temperature with a single command.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create scenes using System Bits:

Step 1: Understanding the Role of System Bits

  • System Bits are digital flags that can store simple on/off states.

  • When a bit is set (turned on), it can trigger actions in different devices.

  • You can use a single System Bit to control multiple devices, creating a “scene” where several actions happen at once.

Step 2: Decide the Actions for Your Scene

Think about what actions you want your scene to perform. For example:

  • Scene 1 (Evening):

    • Dim the lights.

    • Close the curtains.

    • Turn on the TV.

  • Scene 2 (Leaving Home):

    • Turn off all lights.

    • Turn off appliances.

    • Close the blinds.

Each of these actions will be tied to specific devices and functions.

Step 3: Create a System Bit for the Scene

Go to the System Manager in iNELS Design Manager.

Create a New System Bit for each scene. For example:

  • Scene 1 = System Bit 1

  • Scene 2 = System Bit 2

These System Bits will act as triggers for your scenes.

Step 4: Assign Actions to the System Bit

Add the Bits to the design plane. For each System Bit, assign the actions you want it to control:

  1. Select the System Bit you created (e.g., System Bit 1 for Scene 1).

  2. Assign Actions to the bit:

    • Digital outputs like lights, blinds, or other devices.

    • Example: Assign the action “dim lights” to System Bit 1, the action “close curtains” to System Bit 1, and so on.

  3. You can add as many actions as needed, allowing the System Bit to control multiple devices in a single scene.

Step 5: Set Up Conditions (Optional)

If you want your scene to activate only under specific conditions (e.g., only at night), you can set up conditions:

  1. Set up triggers like time-based conditions or when other actions occur (e.g., sunset).

  2. These conditions will determine when the System Bit can be activated.

Step 6: Activate the Scene

Once you’ve set up the System Bit and assigned actions, the scene can be activated:

  • You can manually activate it by triggering the System Bit.

  • Alternatively, you can link the bit to a physical button, switch, or even a mobile app.

This method allows you to manage multiple devices and actions seamlessly with a single bit, making your building automation smoother and more efficient!

Using System Integers for Temperature Control and Dimming Lights in iNELS

System Integers in iNELS are powerful tools for controlling devices that require numeric values, such as adjusting the temperature or dimming lights. Here's a simple guide on how to use System Integers for these functions.

  • System Integers store numeric values, which can be updated or modified.

  • They are ideal for functions like temperature control or light dimming, where you need gradual adjustments rather than just on/off commands.

Using System Integers for Temperature Control

1. Create a System Integer for Temperature

  • Go to the System Manager in iNELS Design Manager.

  • Create a new System Integer, which will store the temperature value (e.g., System Int 1 for room temperature).

2. Assign Actions to Control Temperature

Add the integer to the design plane. You can control the temperature with specific actions based on changes in the System Integer value.

  • System int change: This action triggers when the integer value changes.

  • System int change up: Triggered when the temperature value is increased.

  • System int change down: Triggered when the temperature value is decreased.

3. Link the System Integer to a Thermostat

  • Assign the thermostat to be controlled by the System Int 1 value.

  • When the integer value increases, the thermostat raises the temperature. When it decreases, the temperature lowers.

4. Set Increment/Decrement Values

You can set how much the temperature changes each time you adjust it by setting the Inc/Dec step:

  • Go to the System int – Increment function to set how much the value increases when the user raises the temperature.

  • Use System int – Decrement to specify how much the value decreases.

For example, you can set the increment step to 1°C. Each time the integer is changed up or down, the temperature will increase or decrease by 1°C.

Using System Integers for Dimming Lights

1. Create a System Integer for Light Dimming

  • Similar to the temperature control setup, you’ll need to create a System Integer for light dimming (e.g., System Int 2).

  • This integer will represent the dimming level (e.g., from 0 to 100%).

2. Assign Actions to Control Light Dimming

For dimming, you’ll use the following actions based on the System Integer value:

  • System int – Increment: Increase the dimming level by a set value (e.g., 10% at a time).

  • System int – Decrement: Decrease the dimming level similarly.

3. Link the System Integer to the Dimmer

  • Assign the lighting dimmer to respond to changes in System Int 2.

  • As the integer value increases or decreases, the dimming level will adjust.

For example:

  • When System Int 2 = 0, the light is fully off.

  • When System Int 2 = 50, the light is at 50% brightness.

  • When System Int 2 = 100, the light is fully on.

4. Set Increment/Decrement Values for Dimming

  • Set the Inc/Dec step to control how much the brightness changes each time.

  • For smoother dimming, you can set a smaller step (e.g., 5% increments), so the light dims gradually.

Advanced Control with System Integers

Using "System int – Set value"

If you want to instantly set the temperature or light level to a specific value:

  • Use the System int – Set value function.

  • Example: You could set System Int 1 (temperature) to 22°C or System Int 2 (dimming level) to 75% directly.

Using "System int – Copy"

If you want to copy a value from a sensor (e.g., temperature sensor or ambient light sensor), use the System int – Copy function to set the System Integer based on sensor readings.

Practical Example

Temperature Control:

  • System Int 1 is created to store temperature (e.g., current room temperature).

  • Increment/Decrement step is set to 1°C.

  • Linked to the room’s thermostat.

  • Action: When the integer is incremented, the room heats up by 1°C, and when decremented, it cools down by 1°C.

Light Dimming:

  • System Int 2 is created to control dimming.

  • Increment/Decrement step is set to 10%.

  • Linked to the room’s light dimmer.

  • Action: When the integer is incremented, lights brighten by 10%, and when decremented, they dim by 10%.


  • Use System Integers to store and adjust temperature or dimming levels.

  • Assign increment and decrement actions to control how much the values change.

  • Link System Integers to the devices (thermostat or dimmer) to create smooth, responsive controls for your automation needs.

This setup allows you to have fine-tuned control over the comfort and ambiance of your space with ease!

Last updated