Controlling DALI Ballasts in iNELS Systems

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) ballasts provide a versatile solution for controlling lighting systems in various environments. iNELS systems, with their range of control units, offer efficient ways to manage DALI ballasts for optimized lighting experiences. Here's how to control DALI ballasts using iNELS control units such as MiniCU, CU3-08M, CU3-09M, and CU3-010M:

1. MiniCU(CU3-08M/10M) with RC3-610M/DALI Unit:

If you're utilizing the MiniCU with the RC3-610M/DALI unit, follow these steps to control DALI ballasts:

  • Connection: Connect your DALI lights to the RC3-610M/DALI unit. This unit has a DALI bus line capable of connecting up to 16 ballasts.

  • Functionality: The RC3-610M/DALI unit features 6 binary inputs, 2 of which can be configured as temperature inputs, and 8 independent relays. Additionally, it includes two analog outputs (0-10 V) with a load capacity of up to 10 mA.

  • Addressing: Address each DALI ballast separately using third-party software. Utilize the DALI system BUS to control up to 16 independent DALI ballast addresses for various types of luminaires.

  • Configuration in IDM: Within the iDM, add the RC3-610M/DALI module and input the DALI address for each ballast in the parameter tab.

In RC3-610M, it is important to connect the voltage between Com8 and N to get the Dali power in the Dali bus line.

2. CU3-09M Control Unit:

CU3-09M is a fundamental control unit within iNELS BUS installations. Here's how to control DALI ballasts with CU3-09M:

  • Independence: CU3-09M can operate autonomously or as part of a larger project.

  • BUS Connectivity: It's equipped with one BUS to which you can connect up to 32 elements from the iNELS BUS portfolio.

  • DALI Integration: The CU3-09M/DALI system unit features a DALI bus, enabling control of up to 64 independent DALI ballast addresses for luminaires.

  • Addressing: Use third-party software to address DALI ballasts individually.

  • Integration: The CU3-09M utilizes the MQTT protocol for third-party communication.

Configuration in iDM:

To configure DALI ballasts in the iNELS Device Manager (iDM), follow these steps:

  • Device Addition: Within the iDM, add the DALI-DMX module and input the DALI address for each ballast.

  • Repetition: Repeat this process for every DALI ballast you want to control within your iNELS system. It is possible to add max 64 Dali channels (Dali Addresses)

Additional Notes:

  • Power Supply: Keep in mind that CU3-09M's DALI bus requires a separate power supply to function effectively.

By following these steps, you can efficiently control DALI ballasts within your iNELS system, ensuring optimal lighting control and energy efficiency in your environment.

Last updated