Event logs

The "Event Logs" specifically record changes made through user control via cloud connection, irrespective of whether the changes are initiated through the iNELS mobile application or the inels.cloud website. This means that any actions, adjustments, or modifications carried out by users through these cloud-based platforms are documented and logged in this section. These logs provide a comprehensive record of user-initiated activities within the system, offering transparency and accountability for any modifications made to the connected devices, settings, or configurations.

Furthermore, each element (device) has its separate log, which records all activity related to that element. See the Devices and Communication Gateway section.


In the INELS Cloud Platform, the "Reception" section refers to a feature where users can manage and monitor various aspects related to individual rooms within a building or facility. This section allows users to add each room to the system and track essential information such as occupancy status, temperature, heating status, "Do Not Disturb" (DND) settings, and other relevant details.

Steps to create New room

  • In the sidebar of the Cloud platform interface, locate and click on the "Reception" tab.

  • Click on "Create New Room" to initiate the room creation process.

  • After selecting the option to create a new room, you will be navigated to a page where you can input the information for the new room.

  • Once you have entered all the necessary information for the new room, Click on "Save" button on the top right corner to confirm the creation of the room.

For Editing details in the existing room

  • Click on the blue sidebar as shown in the image.

  • This will navigate the page shown below where you can update the necessary details such as room name, template, or any other relevant information.

  • Here, you can make changes to the room details or delete the created card as needed.

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